
Obi-Wan Kenobi is just a few days away from its season finale and, as the show has received pretty mixed reviews from fans, many can't help but wonder why a show featuring one of the most beloved Star Wars characters isn't being received too well by audiences.

With a show that receives as much fan attention as Obi-Wan Kenobi, there are many character arcs, cameos, and sequences that fans speculated could happen, but the show missed many of these opportunities which have caused some fans to feel let down.

After seeing the first trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi, many fans went through frame by frame to see what small giveaways the trailer had for the show. One of these was the image of Reva in an alleyway faceoff with a blaster user, which caused many fans to theorize about possible villains or bounty hunters this could be.

Related: 10 Star Wars Characters That Appeared In Other Movies & Shows

Much to the disappointment of fans, this was revealed in the very first episode of the show as being the con artist played by Kumail Najiani who fans were introduced to earlier in the episode. With names such as Cad Bane being thrown out there as possibilities for this character, this could've been one of the more memorable moments of the show but instead serves as a huge letdown for fans.

While it's known by almost all fans of the show that the real conflict is between Obi-Wan and his former apprentice Darth Vader, the Inquisitors are still shown as threats to Kenobi throughout the show. Despite this, Obi-Wan has really only fought Stormtroopers and other blaster-users in the show so far.

The show is more than just cliché, non-stop action scenes with desensitized lightsaber fights, but seeing Obi-Wan face off against those who hunted and killed many of his fellow Jedi would have fans on the edge of their seats and serve as a way to show that Obi-Wan is becoming stronger as the show progresses.

Teased heavily in the flashback at the beginning of the show and also early on in the first episode when Obi-Wan calls out to his former master was some type of appearance from Qui-Gon Jinn.

Related: 10 Ways Qui-Gon Stole The Spotlight in The Phantom Menace

Whether through the appearance of his Force ghost or through some type of constant dialogue with Obi-Wan, fans were excited to see how Qui-Gon would be used in the story as he was the main reason Anakin Skywalker became a Jedi in the first place. However, fans haven't seen Obi-Wan make any type of connection with Qui-Gon (as of now), much to their disappointment.

As the show features one of Star Wars' most popular and iconic characters, Princess Leia, as a way to kickstart the story, she and Obi-Wan have many cute moments together as Obi-Wan sees both Padme and Anakin inside of her.

While this makes for some heartfelt moments at times, there are many emotional beats such as Leia being aware that she is actually not an Organa or the fact that her evil Sith Lord father is hunting her protector that would give her an arc that would really tug on the emotional strings of the audience.

Episode five of the show featured flashbacks to a training session with younger versions of Obi-Wan and Anakin to show one of the lessons taught by Obi-Wan as it mirrored the current situation in the show.

This flashback served not only as a great way to show the prequel era's faster and more dynamic lightsaber fights but also as a way to remind audiences of the bond Obi-Wan and Anakin had while also adding something new to their dynamic. As this was one of the highlights of the episode, it definitely could've been used more often throughout the show.

As Obi-Wan and Anakin have already crossed paths in the show, Obi-Wan was initially shocked that his former apprentice turned Sith Lord was still alive. In their first confrontation, Obi-Wan is shown as being incredibly fearful of Anakin and only treats him as an evil and powerful foe rather than the brother he once loved.

Related: 10 Jedi That Deserved Happier Endings, According To Reddit

While it's still possible for this to happen in the show's finale, Obi-Wan hasn't tried actually getting through to Anakin even though there is still good buried deep inside of him. Seeing Kenobi try (and inevitably fail) to get through to his former apprentice would've made their confrontation more intriguing and emotional.

While the premise of Obi-Wan Kenobi being weaker and cut off from the Force serves as a great way to add tension to the story and adds another layer of conflict, many fans can't help but wish they can see the great and powerful Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi once was.

As it is well agreed by Star Wars fans that Obi-Wan is one of the strongest Jedi of all time, there haven't been too many moments in the show where he's felt like an actually powerful Jedi. He's still as brave and caring as ever, but the power of Obi-Wan is something that fans have missed out on and will hopefully get to see in the show's finale.

When interacting with Luke in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Obi-Wan is shown constantly mentoring him. Although Obi-Wan and Leia share many cute and funny moments together, he seems to treat her as more of a burden rather than a Skywalker.

It could've been really cool to see Obi-Wan and Leia develop a dynamic similar to the relationship Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin had, but given the time period of the show and its split focus on other characters, Obi-Wan and Leia's relationship isn't as great as it could have been.

As soon as it was announced that Obi-Wan Kenobi would be coming to Disney+ as a show, many fans instantly started speculating and theorizing about other Jedi survivors of Order 66 who could appear in the show.

Fans were right in assuming the show would feature other Jedi on the run from the Empire, but the audience is treated with random Jedi of which the audience has little to no emotional investment which causes the scenes where Inquisitors kill and capture Jedi to fall emotionally flat at times.

Without a doubt, the main intrigue and hype for this entire show stem from the fact that fans couldn't wait to see Obi-Wan and Darth Vader square off once more, only in a more modern Star Wars production.

Despite this massive hype surrounding it, the actual confrontation between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader was not only lacking emotion but also had very underwhelming fight choreography and dialogue. Many fans are still hopeful for their inevitable final showdown, but their first confrontation could have been done better, to say the least.

Next: 10 MCU Characters Obi-Wan Kenobi Could Beat In A Fight


Obi-Wan Kenobi: 10 Biggest Missed Opportunities From The Show

Obi-Wan Kenobi is just a few days away from its season finale and, as the show has received pretty mixed reviews from fans, many can't help but wonder why a show featuring one of the most beloved Star Wars characters isn't being received too well by audiences.

With a show that receives as much fan attention as Obi-Wan Kenobi, there are many character arcs, cameos, and sequences that fans speculated could happen, but the show missed many of these opportunities which have caused some fans to feel let down.

After seeing the first trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi, many fans went through frame by frame to see what small giveaways the trailer had for the show. One of these was the image of Reva in an alleyway faceoff with a blaster user, which caused many fans to theorize about possible villains or bounty hunters this could be.

Related: 10 Star Wars Characters That Appeared In Other Movies & Shows

Much to the disappointment of fans, this was revealed in the very first episode of the show as being the con artist played by Kumail Najiani who fans were introduced to earlier in the episode. With names such as Cad Bane being thrown out there as possibilities for this character, this could've been one of the more memorable moments of the show but instead serves as a huge letdown for fans.

While it's known by almost all fans of the show that the real conflict is between Obi-Wan and his former apprentice Darth Vader, the Inquisitors are still shown as threats to Kenobi throughout the show. Despite this, Obi-Wan has really only fought Stormtroopers and other blaster-users in the show so far.

The show is more than just cliché, non-stop action scenes with desensitized lightsaber fights, but seeing Obi-Wan face off against those who hunted and killed many of his fellow Jedi would have fans on the edge of their seats and serve as a way to show that Obi-Wan is becoming stronger as the show progresses.

Teased heavily in the flashback at the beginning of the show and also early on in the first episode when Obi-Wan calls out to his former master was some type of appearance from Qui-Gon Jinn.

Related: 10 Ways Qui-Gon Stole The Spotlight in The Phantom Menace

Whether through the appearance of his Force ghost or through some type of constant dialogue with Obi-Wan, fans were excited to see how Qui-Gon would be used in the story as he was the main reason Anakin Skywalker became a Jedi in the first place. However, fans haven't seen Obi-Wan make any type of connection with Qui-Gon (as of now), much to their disappointment.

As the show features one of Star Wars' most popular and iconic characters, Princess Leia, as a way to kickstart the story, she and Obi-Wan have many cute moments together as Obi-Wan sees both Padme and Anakin inside of her.

While this makes for some heartfelt moments at times, there are many emotional beats such as Leia being aware that she is actually not an Organa or the fact that her evil Sith Lord father is hunting her protector that would give her an arc that would really tug on the emotional strings of the audience.

Episode five of the show featured flashbacks to a training session with younger versions of Obi-Wan and Anakin to show one of the lessons taught by Obi-Wan as it mirrored the current situation in the show.

This flashback served not only as a great way to show the prequel era's faster and more dynamic lightsaber fights but also as a way to remind audiences of the bond Obi-Wan and Anakin had while also adding something new to their dynamic. As this was one of the highlights of the episode, it definitely could've been used more often throughout the show.

As Obi-Wan and Anakin have already crossed paths in the show, Obi-Wan was initially shocked that his former apprentice turned Sith Lord was still alive. In their first confrontation, Obi-Wan is shown as being incredibly fearful of Anakin and only treats him as an evil and powerful foe rather than the brother he once loved.

Related: 10 Jedi That Deserved Happier Endings, According To Reddit

While it's still possible for this to happen in the show's finale, Obi-Wan hasn't tried actually getting through to Anakin even though there is still good buried deep inside of him. Seeing Kenobi try (and inevitably fail) to get through to his former apprentice would've made their confrontation more intriguing and emotional.

While the premise of Obi-Wan Kenobi being weaker and cut off from the Force serves as a great way to add tension to the story and adds another layer of conflict, many fans can't help but wish they can see the great and powerful Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi once was.

As it is well agreed by Star Wars fans that Obi-Wan is one of the strongest Jedi of all time, there haven't been too many moments in the show where he's felt like an actually powerful Jedi. He's still as brave and caring as ever, but the power of Obi-Wan is something that fans have missed out on and will hopefully get to see in the show's finale.

When interacting with Luke in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Obi-Wan is shown constantly mentoring him. Although Obi-Wan and Leia share many cute and funny moments together, he seems to treat her as more of a burden rather than a Skywalker.

It could've been really cool to see Obi-Wan and Leia develop a dynamic similar to the relationship Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin had, but given the time period of the show and its split focus on other characters, Obi-Wan and Leia's relationship isn't as great as it could have been.

As soon as it was announced that Obi-Wan Kenobi would be coming to Disney+ as a show, many fans instantly started speculating and theorizing about other Jedi survivors of Order 66 who could appear in the show.

Fans were right in assuming the show would feature other Jedi on the run from the Empire, but the audience is treated with random Jedi of which the audience has little to no emotional investment which causes the scenes where Inquisitors kill and capture Jedi to fall emotionally flat at times.

Without a doubt, the main intrigue and hype for this entire show stem from the fact that fans couldn't wait to see Obi-Wan and Darth Vader square off once more, only in a more modern Star Wars production.

Despite this massive hype surrounding it, the actual confrontation between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader was not only lacking emotion but also had very underwhelming fight choreography and dialogue. Many fans are still hopeful for their inevitable final showdown, but their first confrontation could have been done better, to say the least.

Next: 10 MCU Characters Obi-Wan Kenobi Could Beat In A Fight


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