
The Jurassic Park series’ primary story came to an end with Jurassic World Dominion, which brought back the franchise’s main characters for a fitting conclusion. The film has made big business at the box office, with fans connecting to the characters’ adventures with the dinosaurs and their fight to bring down Biosyn.

The trilogy wouldn’t have worked without properly developed characters, and it’s interesting to see how they changed over the course of the films. Whether it’s a stoic but strong personality like Owen Grady or someone facing an identity crisis like Maisie Lockwood, Jurassic World has had character arcs that were all compelling in their own way.

10 Ian Malcolm

Bringing back legacy characters is one of the ways Jurassic World Dominion improved upon Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. But Ian Malcolm’s characterization didn’t exactly differ as much from how he was before. Ian’s development was complete in the Jurassic Park films and he returned mainly to provide closure to his whereabouts.

In Jurassic World films, Ian initially appeared to have become even more cynical than he once was when he wished dinosaurs to go extinct again. However, he learned to adapt to this new environment, which was in line with Ian’s go-with-the-flow personality as in the Jurassic Park series.

9 Franklin Webb

The presence of relatable characters like Franklin was of the things Jurassic World did better than Jurassic Park, with Franklin’s fears similar to how the average person would feel in front of dinosaurs. He remained relatively scared throughout the series, although Franklin became bolder.

In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Franklin wasn’t as willing to throw himself in danger, but he started partaking in Claire’s efforts to free dinosaurs in the following film. Franklin never became outspokenly brave, yet there were hints of newfound courage that prove he did change.

8 Ellie Sattler

Ellie’s central characterization in the Jurassic World series came from her finding the independence she didn’t have in the Jurassic Park films. She went from holding herself back for Alan and her ex-husband to taking charge in exposing Biosyn’s corruption.

At her core, Ellie was just as brave and steadfast in her beliefs as she was during the Jurassic Park timeline, which remained the same over the years. Where she developed was placing importance on her self-worth and pursuing the choices she wanted on her own.

7 Ramsay Cole

Ramsay was introduced as a young up-and-coming prospect in the field of genetics for Biosyn, who ultimately turned coat when he learned of Dodgson’s corruption. Ramsay’s development was about finding the courage to step away from his mentor to do what was right by exposing his crimes.

Ramsay’s evolution didn’t have as big of an impact because it mainly happened off-screen, which is why it’s not a development that fans will understand as much in-depth. However, Ramsay certainly changed since he had gotten Biosyn far enough for it to be a major force - his efforts in bringing the company down proved how far he’d gone in the pursuit of justice.

6 Alan Grant

Alan brought plenty of Jurassic Park references in Jurassic World Dominion through his expertise in paleontology, although he had quite a lot to offer as a character, too. Alan remained relatively undeveloped in the Jurassic Park trilogy, while he finally showed genuine change this time around.

Alan found it in himself to choose love over his career when he professed his feelings for Ellie. Having lost her when he placed more importance on researching dinosaurs than being with her, Alan emotionally developed in Jurassic World Dominion to realize where he would find true happiness.

5 Henry Wu

The presence of an evil figure is something that happens in every Jurassic Park movie, with Wu filling this role in the first two Jurassic World entries until his redemption in Jurassic World Dominion. He went from being way in over his head with genetic advancement to regretting the unethical approaches he took.

Wu’s character development was certainly significant with how he abandoned his destructive ways, although there is the feeling that he changed all of a sudden between the second and third entries. Even so, Wu admitting remorse for creating dangerous beings like the locusts was a big turn from who he once was.

4 Owen Grady

Owen is the main hero of the Jurassic World trilogy, although he primarily remained stoic in personality. While he didn’t change his demeanor, Owen did alter his life and his thinking process. Owen went from being reclusive and stubborn to a responsible family man.

He didn’t completely shed his maverick attitude, but Owen learned when he needed to step back, allowing the likes of Maisie and Blue to make their own choices even though he wanted to protect them. Owen’s relationship with Claire also showed that he was now willing to make compromises to have a family life.

3 Kayla Watts

For someone who only appeared in one film, Kayla certainly had a notable character arc. When introduced, Kayla wanted nothing to do with bringing Biosyn down and was just interested in making money. However, witnessing Maisie’s capture made her reevaluate her priorities, empowering her to team up with Owen and Claire.

Kayla developed from looking out just for herself to risking her life for people she didn’t even know. She gained the courage to walk away from money earned from illegal activities to be in the right place where morality is concerned. Although viewers didn’t see what happened afterward, Kayla’s development was significant to Jurassic World Dominion.

2 Maisie Lockwood

Maisie’s journeys were the primary storylines of the second and third films, centering around the mystery of her origins. In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, she learned how to be compassionate, releasing the dinosaurs so they could live free like she wanted to - this became a focal point for Jurassic World Dominion.

In the last entry, Maisie learned the identity of her mother and also learned to appreciate Claire and Owen’s roles as her adoptive parents. She developed from being a scared child to set herself on the path of continuing her biological mother’s legacy, ultimately providing Wu with the means to reverse the effects of the locusts.

1 Claire Dearing

Claire is the one character who’s had relevant and hard-hitting stories in each Jurassic World entry. Starting out, she was an uptight executive who ignored her family, before stepping up to rescue her nephews. The second film saw her develop into a hero, wanting to save the dinosaurs in peril by putting herself at risk.

Claire’s arc continued and concluded with Jurassic World Dominion, where she became Maisie’s mother and went around the world to save her alongside Owen. The development of her romance with the latter also went to show the way Claire’s mindset relaxed and demonstrated that she knew where her priorities really were.

NEXT: 8 Things That Made No Sense About Jurassic World Dominion


Jurassic World: The 10 Best Character Arcs In The Series, Ranked

The Jurassic Park series’ primary story came to an end with Jurassic World Dominion, which brought back the franchise’s main characters for a fitting conclusion. The film has made big business at the box office, with fans connecting to the characters’ adventures with the dinosaurs and their fight to bring down Biosyn.

The trilogy wouldn’t have worked without properly developed characters, and it’s interesting to see how they changed over the course of the films. Whether it’s a stoic but strong personality like Owen Grady or someone facing an identity crisis like Maisie Lockwood, Jurassic World has had character arcs that were all compelling in their own way.

10 Ian Malcolm

Bringing back legacy characters is one of the ways Jurassic World Dominion improved upon Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. But Ian Malcolm’s characterization didn’t exactly differ as much from how he was before. Ian’s development was complete in the Jurassic Park films and he returned mainly to provide closure to his whereabouts.

In Jurassic World films, Ian initially appeared to have become even more cynical than he once was when he wished dinosaurs to go extinct again. However, he learned to adapt to this new environment, which was in line with Ian’s go-with-the-flow personality as in the Jurassic Park series.

9 Franklin Webb

The presence of relatable characters like Franklin was of the things Jurassic World did better than Jurassic Park, with Franklin’s fears similar to how the average person would feel in front of dinosaurs. He remained relatively scared throughout the series, although Franklin became bolder.

In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Franklin wasn’t as willing to throw himself in danger, but he started partaking in Claire’s efforts to free dinosaurs in the following film. Franklin never became outspokenly brave, yet there were hints of newfound courage that prove he did change.

8 Ellie Sattler

Ellie’s central characterization in the Jurassic World series came from her finding the independence she didn’t have in the Jurassic Park films. She went from holding herself back for Alan and her ex-husband to taking charge in exposing Biosyn’s corruption.

At her core, Ellie was just as brave and steadfast in her beliefs as she was during the Jurassic Park timeline, which remained the same over the years. Where she developed was placing importance on her self-worth and pursuing the choices she wanted on her own.

7 Ramsay Cole

Ramsay was introduced as a young up-and-coming prospect in the field of genetics for Biosyn, who ultimately turned coat when he learned of Dodgson’s corruption. Ramsay’s development was about finding the courage to step away from his mentor to do what was right by exposing his crimes.

Ramsay’s evolution didn’t have as big of an impact because it mainly happened off-screen, which is why it’s not a development that fans will understand as much in-depth. However, Ramsay certainly changed since he had gotten Biosyn far enough for it to be a major force - his efforts in bringing the company down proved how far he’d gone in the pursuit of justice.

6 Alan Grant

Alan brought plenty of Jurassic Park references in Jurassic World Dominion through his expertise in paleontology, although he had quite a lot to offer as a character, too. Alan remained relatively undeveloped in the Jurassic Park trilogy, while he finally showed genuine change this time around.

Alan found it in himself to choose love over his career when he professed his feelings for Ellie. Having lost her when he placed more importance on researching dinosaurs than being with her, Alan emotionally developed in Jurassic World Dominion to realize where he would find true happiness.

5 Henry Wu

The presence of an evil figure is something that happens in every Jurassic Park movie, with Wu filling this role in the first two Jurassic World entries until his redemption in Jurassic World Dominion. He went from being way in over his head with genetic advancement to regretting the unethical approaches he took.

Wu’s character development was certainly significant with how he abandoned his destructive ways, although there is the feeling that he changed all of a sudden between the second and third entries. Even so, Wu admitting remorse for creating dangerous beings like the locusts was a big turn from who he once was.

4 Owen Grady

Owen is the main hero of the Jurassic World trilogy, although he primarily remained stoic in personality. While he didn’t change his demeanor, Owen did alter his life and his thinking process. Owen went from being reclusive and stubborn to a responsible family man.

He didn’t completely shed his maverick attitude, but Owen learned when he needed to step back, allowing the likes of Maisie and Blue to make their own choices even though he wanted to protect them. Owen’s relationship with Claire also showed that he was now willing to make compromises to have a family life.

3 Kayla Watts

For someone who only appeared in one film, Kayla certainly had a notable character arc. When introduced, Kayla wanted nothing to do with bringing Biosyn down and was just interested in making money. However, witnessing Maisie’s capture made her reevaluate her priorities, empowering her to team up with Owen and Claire.

Kayla developed from looking out just for herself to risking her life for people she didn’t even know. She gained the courage to walk away from money earned from illegal activities to be in the right place where morality is concerned. Although viewers didn’t see what happened afterward, Kayla’s development was significant to Jurassic World Dominion.

2 Maisie Lockwood

Maisie’s journeys were the primary storylines of the second and third films, centering around the mystery of her origins. In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, she learned how to be compassionate, releasing the dinosaurs so they could live free like she wanted to - this became a focal point for Jurassic World Dominion.

In the last entry, Maisie learned the identity of her mother and also learned to appreciate Claire and Owen’s roles as her adoptive parents. She developed from being a scared child to set herself on the path of continuing her biological mother’s legacy, ultimately providing Wu with the means to reverse the effects of the locusts.

1 Claire Dearing

Claire is the one character who’s had relevant and hard-hitting stories in each Jurassic World entry. Starting out, she was an uptight executive who ignored her family, before stepping up to rescue her nephews. The second film saw her develop into a hero, wanting to save the dinosaurs in peril by putting herself at risk.

Claire’s arc continued and concluded with Jurassic World Dominion, where she became Maisie’s mother and went around the world to save her alongside Owen. The development of her romance with the latter also went to show the way Claire’s mindset relaxed and demonstrated that she knew where her priorities really were.

NEXT: 8 Things That Made No Sense About Jurassic World Dominion


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