
The upcoming release of Thor: Love and Thunder (July 7) has many fans excited to see powerful superheroes like Valkyrie, Lady Thor, and the God of Thunder himself face off against Gorr the God Butcher.

As superhero movies have become a hot commodity in today's society fans have become acquainted with some extremely powerful heroes who can move mountains, control elements, and even manipulate reality, but there are some heroes noted by Ranker where either the writing of the character or the nature of their abilities cause them to be so powerful to where audiences no longer feel any tension or stakes surrounding these overpowered characters.

Note: Ranker lists are live and continue to accrue votes, so some rankings may have changed after this publishing.

10 Captain Marvel

From her very first film, Captain Marvel showed that she was of one the strongest characters in the MCU. From easily wiping out entire space fleets in Captain Marvel to holding her own (and arguably edging out) Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, there is not much Captain Marvel can't accomplish with her extraordinary strength and photon blasts.

Related: 10 Strongest Characters In Phase 4 Of The MCU

She is such an overpowered character that she is written out of most of the MCU as she would be able to easily defeat almost any villain who appears, but when she does appear, Captain Marvel makes it known that she is an absolute powerhouse.

9 Shazam

Despite his childish nature and lighthearted attitude, Billy Batson (aka Shazam) is a powerful superhero that few DC characters have ever been able to beat. As he has the power of seven different gods, Shazam has a plethora of abilities ranging from super strength and speed to lightning manipulation whilst containing no known weaknesses.

With such limitless potential, writers have been able to show incredible feats from Shazam including going toe-to-toe with Superman which on its own makes him an overpowered character in its own right.

8 Sentry

Although Sentry isn't one of the more popular Marvel characters out there, he is a huge physical powerhouse, to say the least. As Sentry is essentially Marvel's attempt at creating their own version of Superman, they upped the ante by giving Sentry psychic powers along with reality-warping abilities.

As he was created to be Marvel's strongest hero Sentry is often seen in Marvel comics performing unbelievable feats of power from brushing off nukes and being the only individual to effectively fight and subdue Hulk in World War Hulk, allowing him to live up to being Marvel's strongest character of all time.

7 Jean Grey

Jean Grey has shown many times through all of the comics and recent movies that she is one of the strongest mutants to ever exist. Jean Grey is a power telepath and psychic, but after manifesting her powers through the Phoenix Force she was enabled to do anything imaginable.

Fans have gotten to see her extraordinary power as Phoenix in two films and although the films themselves haven't performed well, seeing Jean Grey absolutely vaporize opponents and perform impossible telepathic feats shows the sheer power at her disposal.

6 Martian Manhunter

Superman himself once called J'onn J'onnz (aka Martian Manhunter) the most dangerous man on the planet, and while that may have been just some of his typical modesty, it goes without saying that Martian Manhunter is a force to be reckoned with. One of the most unique and powerful DC characters, Martian Manhunter has a wide range of powers and abilities such as shape-shifting, phasing, telepathy, and even super strength.

With so many powers at his disposal and the intelligence that comes with being over 200 million years old, Martian Manhunter is amongst the strongest in the DC Universe.

5 Franklin Richards

The son of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, Franklin Richards has the power to completely change reality and can use his mind to create almost anything he wishes. Fans of the comics have seen the superhero create entire universes and if that wasn't enough, cosmic beings such as Galactus and Celestials have more than once compared him to their level of power.

Related: Top 10 Characters In Phase 4 Of The MCU, Ranked By Intelligence

As his abilities are only limited by the imagination of the writer, Franklin Richards perfectly adheres to the term "overpowered" as there is essentially nothing he can't do.

4 Silver Surfer

As the herald of Galactus, Silver Surfer draws his energy from the Power Cosmic (the same energy source Galactus uses) which gives the silver hero unlimited access to god-like energy to use how he pleases.

Fans have seen Silver Surfer uses this power in many ways as he has fused suns, made quick work of the most powerful Infinity Stone users, and even absorbed the energy from entire stars. If this wasn't enough his speed is unfathomable as he can travel the cosmos at 500,000 light-years per second which is just too fast to even try to comprehend.

3 One-Punch Man

With most of the characters on this list coming from more traditional comic book stories, the fact that Saitama (aka One-Punch Man) made it on this list (and this high nonetheless) attests to the sheer power of Saitama. Truly living up to the name of the show, Saitama is a powerful superhero who often defeats planetary threats with just a single punch.

Related: 10 Most Likable Shounen Main Characters, Ranked

As a satire of Shounen Anime, Saitama represents the constant breaking of barriers and the forever growing strength of most shounen characters which has led to Saitama being so overpowered to where One-Punch Man is more of a comedy than a serious shounen series.

2 Scarlet Witch

While MCU fans may not have been as familiar with her in her earlier appearances, Scarlet Witch has since become a household name known as the most powerful MCU character to exist thus far.

From creating entire realities on her own to defeating entire teams of some of the most powerful Marvel characters, Scarlet Witch has displayed her nigh-limitless power in many ways, and since she more recently has shown that she can be a threat to the entire multiverse in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, she more than earns her spot this high on the list.

1 Superman

While his powers may seem more grounded than the reality warpers on this list, Superman has always been the benchmark other heroes are compared to when talking about overpowered superheroes. As he draws his power from the sun, Superman has a limitless supply of power and has many abilities that make him the most well-rounded superhero of all time.

Superman has always risen to face whatever alien, evil mastermind, or god-like being that threatens the Earth, and what truly makes Superman the most overpowered superhero of all time is the fact that he never actually uses his full strength.

Next: 10 Crossover Fights Between The MCU And DCEU Fans Would Love To See


10 Most Overpowered Superheroes Of All Time, According To Ranker

The upcoming release of Thor: Love and Thunder (July 7) has many fans excited to see powerful superheroes like Valkyrie, Lady Thor, and the God of Thunder himself face off against Gorr the God Butcher.

As superhero movies have become a hot commodity in today's society fans have become acquainted with some extremely powerful heroes who can move mountains, control elements, and even manipulate reality, but there are some heroes noted by Ranker where either the writing of the character or the nature of their abilities cause them to be so powerful to where audiences no longer feel any tension or stakes surrounding these overpowered characters.

Note: Ranker lists are live and continue to accrue votes, so some rankings may have changed after this publishing.

10 Captain Marvel

From her very first film, Captain Marvel showed that she was of one the strongest characters in the MCU. From easily wiping out entire space fleets in Captain Marvel to holding her own (and arguably edging out) Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, there is not much Captain Marvel can't accomplish with her extraordinary strength and photon blasts.

Related: 10 Strongest Characters In Phase 4 Of The MCU

She is such an overpowered character that she is written out of most of the MCU as she would be able to easily defeat almost any villain who appears, but when she does appear, Captain Marvel makes it known that she is an absolute powerhouse.

9 Shazam

Despite his childish nature and lighthearted attitude, Billy Batson (aka Shazam) is a powerful superhero that few DC characters have ever been able to beat. As he has the power of seven different gods, Shazam has a plethora of abilities ranging from super strength and speed to lightning manipulation whilst containing no known weaknesses.

With such limitless potential, writers have been able to show incredible feats from Shazam including going toe-to-toe with Superman which on its own makes him an overpowered character in its own right.

8 Sentry

Although Sentry isn't one of the more popular Marvel characters out there, he is a huge physical powerhouse, to say the least. As Sentry is essentially Marvel's attempt at creating their own version of Superman, they upped the ante by giving Sentry psychic powers along with reality-warping abilities.

As he was created to be Marvel's strongest hero Sentry is often seen in Marvel comics performing unbelievable feats of power from brushing off nukes and being the only individual to effectively fight and subdue Hulk in World War Hulk, allowing him to live up to being Marvel's strongest character of all time.

7 Jean Grey

Jean Grey has shown many times through all of the comics and recent movies that she is one of the strongest mutants to ever exist. Jean Grey is a power telepath and psychic, but after manifesting her powers through the Phoenix Force she was enabled to do anything imaginable.

Fans have gotten to see her extraordinary power as Phoenix in two films and although the films themselves haven't performed well, seeing Jean Grey absolutely vaporize opponents and perform impossible telepathic feats shows the sheer power at her disposal.

6 Martian Manhunter

Superman himself once called J'onn J'onnz (aka Martian Manhunter) the most dangerous man on the planet, and while that may have been just some of his typical modesty, it goes without saying that Martian Manhunter is a force to be reckoned with. One of the most unique and powerful DC characters, Martian Manhunter has a wide range of powers and abilities such as shape-shifting, phasing, telepathy, and even super strength.

With so many powers at his disposal and the intelligence that comes with being over 200 million years old, Martian Manhunter is amongst the strongest in the DC Universe.

5 Franklin Richards

The son of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, Franklin Richards has the power to completely change reality and can use his mind to create almost anything he wishes. Fans of the comics have seen the superhero create entire universes and if that wasn't enough, cosmic beings such as Galactus and Celestials have more than once compared him to their level of power.

Related: Top 10 Characters In Phase 4 Of The MCU, Ranked By Intelligence

As his abilities are only limited by the imagination of the writer, Franklin Richards perfectly adheres to the term "overpowered" as there is essentially nothing he can't do.

4 Silver Surfer

As the herald of Galactus, Silver Surfer draws his energy from the Power Cosmic (the same energy source Galactus uses) which gives the silver hero unlimited access to god-like energy to use how he pleases.

Fans have seen Silver Surfer uses this power in many ways as he has fused suns, made quick work of the most powerful Infinity Stone users, and even absorbed the energy from entire stars. If this wasn't enough his speed is unfathomable as he can travel the cosmos at 500,000 light-years per second which is just too fast to even try to comprehend.

3 One-Punch Man

With most of the characters on this list coming from more traditional comic book stories, the fact that Saitama (aka One-Punch Man) made it on this list (and this high nonetheless) attests to the sheer power of Saitama. Truly living up to the name of the show, Saitama is a powerful superhero who often defeats planetary threats with just a single punch.

Related: 10 Most Likable Shounen Main Characters, Ranked

As a satire of Shounen Anime, Saitama represents the constant breaking of barriers and the forever growing strength of most shounen characters which has led to Saitama being so overpowered to where One-Punch Man is more of a comedy than a serious shounen series.

2 Scarlet Witch

While MCU fans may not have been as familiar with her in her earlier appearances, Scarlet Witch has since become a household name known as the most powerful MCU character to exist thus far.

From creating entire realities on her own to defeating entire teams of some of the most powerful Marvel characters, Scarlet Witch has displayed her nigh-limitless power in many ways, and since she more recently has shown that she can be a threat to the entire multiverse in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, she more than earns her spot this high on the list.

1 Superman

While his powers may seem more grounded than the reality warpers on this list, Superman has always been the benchmark other heroes are compared to when talking about overpowered superheroes. As he draws his power from the sun, Superman has a limitless supply of power and has many abilities that make him the most well-rounded superhero of all time.

Superman has always risen to face whatever alien, evil mastermind, or god-like being that threatens the Earth, and what truly makes Superman the most overpowered superhero of all time is the fact that he never actually uses his full strength.

Next: 10 Crossover Fights Between The MCU And DCEU Fans Would Love To See


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