
With his iconic debut in the hit CW series Nancy DrewTom Swift brought along his sass and style that had audiences wanting more of the dynamic character. The recent release of the new series Tom Swift will give fans a weekly dose of the stylish tech genius along with a few other titular characters.

The characters presented each have their personalities and secrets. Even with its short run so far, viewers are still able to get a feel of the characters they can relate to and the ones that aren’t so likable.

10 Congressman Nathan Eskol

The main antagonist of the series so far, Congressman Nathan Eskol presents as a friend to the Swift family, however, fans quickly figure out this is far from the truth. Nathan’s charisma and friendliness are a part of his job description but he's nothing if not manipulative.

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When it's revealed to viewers and Tom that Barton is alive, it's also revealed that the congressman had something to do with sabotaging the Swift’s rocket. This realization sheds the guise of a concerned family friend, especially when he's sneakily keeping tabs on Tom and his friends.

9 Claire Cormier

The right hand of Barton Swift at Swift Enterprises, Claire Cormier is presented as a family friend of the Swift family. However, after Barton Swift is presumed dead and she takes over as interim CEO of Swift Enterprises, viewers begin to see her true colors.

Conniving and manipulative, Claire is very good at hiding this side of her, at least from Lorraine and Barton. Her facade doesn't fool Tom, however, this doesn't deter her from her quest to take over the Swift’s company, and if anything makes her much more determined. She's not above using some immoral means to get what she wants and doesn't let anyone stand in her way. In a series that has the potential to be one of the best current TV shows on The CW, it will be interesting to see just how far her manipulations go.

8 Rowan

Head bodyguard for Congressman Nathan Eskol, Rowan is a mystery coming into the series. He's stoic and a man of few words, however, when he does speak, he does so with conviction. Rowan doesn't hide where his loyalties lay in the beginning and viewers see his aggressive side when it comes to protecting the congressman.

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At one point, Rowan lets down his guard and protects Tom from a potentially dangerous situation. He opens up to Tom a little, allowing for a different side of him to come through. Although this savior routine proved to be a setup to get close to Tom, viewers are still able to see that Rowan is falling for Tom.

7 Barton Swift

The patriarch of the family, Barton Swift is a businessman that's all about his company’s legacy. He's all about appearances and doesn't miss a chance to tell Tom who he should be and what he's doing wrong. The relationship between him and his son is fraught at best, however, his disappearance gives viewers a different look into how Barton truly feels about his son.

Because of Barton’s treatment of Tom, he can be seen as a TV dad that's also a villain.  However, when he disappears it's revealed that the only person he trusts to figure out what happened and find him, is his son. He proves he's very aware of Tom's accomplishments and proud to have him as his son by entrusting him with his life. His pushing of Tom is his way of showing he believes that he can succeed and that he wants the best for his son.

6 Lorraine Swift

The matriarch of the Swift family and mother to Tom and Lino, Lorraine Swift is her own woman and proves to be the strength within her family. After losing her husband, she must be strong not only for the sake of her children but also to protect her and Barton’s company from lurking vultures.

Lorraine is a mother first and wants what's best for her two sons, especially Tom. With her husband gone, she's hopeful that Tom will step into the role of CEO and determined to make sure he lives up to his name. Her determination can sometimes come off as stifling but her love and care for her family is something that offsets this notion.

5 Lino Swift

The youngest adopted brother of Tom, Lino Swift is a genius just like his older brother. He looks up to his older brother, however, he has a story and life of his own. Lino is a genius with computers and a beast in the sport of fencing.

Even with all his successes and accomplishments, Lino is still fighting with the weight that his last name holds and how this affects everything that he does. He chooses to remain respectable even when those around him think he's succeeding because of nepotism. Although he admires his father and brother, Lino holds a need to know where he comes from and his biological parents.

4 Isaac Vega

Mysterious yet super protective of those he cares for, Isaac Vega is the bodyguard of Tom Swift. Although he's tasked with making sure that Tom is safe, Isaac is more like family to the Swift family, with many of them confiding in him about their problems.

Isaac’s unyielding loyalty and devotion to Tom and the Swift family are amazing to see. His willingness to risk his life for the sake of getting the information that Tom needs to rescue his father is proof of this. Even with his loyalty and his calm disposition, Isaac isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to protect those he loves and he's willing to do so when he feels that Rowan isn't to be trusted.

3 Barclay

The virtual AI sidekick that any genius would want, Barclay is the best (virtual) friend of Tom Swift. He's the voice of reason and support when it comes to Tom’s scientific research and adventures.

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Although Barclay is artificial intelligence, he's loyal to Tom and Tom only. He knows Tom like no one else and often helps him out in his complicated dating life that often involves some funny commentary. Barclay doesn't just assist Tom and is considered a part of the family.

2 Zenzi Fullington

A friend that's not afraid of being honest, Zenzi Fullington is the best friend of Tom Swift and the Goddaughter of Barton and Lorraine Swift. She's a central part of the company and Tom’s journey, however, she has her own story as well.

Her willful personality doesn't hide her insecurities when it comes to romance and this leads to her making terrible choices in men. She's optimistic and willing to see the best in people even when they show her the most awful parts of themselves. She has Tom’s back no matter what, even when they have some of the biggest fights and disagreements between friends and always makes it her mission to be there for the ones she loves.

1 Tom Swift

The main character of the series and unapologetically himself, Tom Swift is the oldest son of the billionaire Swift family and a tech genius like his father and grandfather before him. With his father's unexpected disappearance and presumed death, Tom must step up as the head of the family.

Tom’s sarcasm and ego don't negate the fact that he's always in search of his father's approval and love. Even though the relationship between the two is fraught with tension, Tom does everything in his power to locate his father when it’s revealed that he's alive. Tom’s vulnerability and search for acceptance reveal a side to him that's very relatable.

NEXT: 10 Best New TV Shows Of 2022, According To Ranker


Tom Swift: Every Main Character, Ranked By Likability

With his iconic debut in the hit CW series Nancy DrewTom Swift brought along his sass and style that had audiences wanting more of the dynamic character. The recent release of the new series Tom Swift will give fans a weekly dose of the stylish tech genius along with a few other titular characters.

The characters presented each have their personalities and secrets. Even with its short run so far, viewers are still able to get a feel of the characters they can relate to and the ones that aren’t so likable.

10 Congressman Nathan Eskol

The main antagonist of the series so far, Congressman Nathan Eskol presents as a friend to the Swift family, however, fans quickly figure out this is far from the truth. Nathan’s charisma and friendliness are a part of his job description but he's nothing if not manipulative.

RELATED: 10 Shows That Everyone Forgot About From The CW

When it's revealed to viewers and Tom that Barton is alive, it's also revealed that the congressman had something to do with sabotaging the Swift’s rocket. This realization sheds the guise of a concerned family friend, especially when he's sneakily keeping tabs on Tom and his friends.

9 Claire Cormier

The right hand of Barton Swift at Swift Enterprises, Claire Cormier is presented as a family friend of the Swift family. However, after Barton Swift is presumed dead and she takes over as interim CEO of Swift Enterprises, viewers begin to see her true colors.

Conniving and manipulative, Claire is very good at hiding this side of her, at least from Lorraine and Barton. Her facade doesn't fool Tom, however, this doesn't deter her from her quest to take over the Swift’s company, and if anything makes her much more determined. She's not above using some immoral means to get what she wants and doesn't let anyone stand in her way. In a series that has the potential to be one of the best current TV shows on The CW, it will be interesting to see just how far her manipulations go.

8 Rowan

Head bodyguard for Congressman Nathan Eskol, Rowan is a mystery coming into the series. He's stoic and a man of few words, however, when he does speak, he does so with conviction. Rowan doesn't hide where his loyalties lay in the beginning and viewers see his aggressive side when it comes to protecting the congressman.

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At one point, Rowan lets down his guard and protects Tom from a potentially dangerous situation. He opens up to Tom a little, allowing for a different side of him to come through. Although this savior routine proved to be a setup to get close to Tom, viewers are still able to see that Rowan is falling for Tom.

7 Barton Swift

The patriarch of the family, Barton Swift is a businessman that's all about his company’s legacy. He's all about appearances and doesn't miss a chance to tell Tom who he should be and what he's doing wrong. The relationship between him and his son is fraught at best, however, his disappearance gives viewers a different look into how Barton truly feels about his son.

Because of Barton’s treatment of Tom, he can be seen as a TV dad that's also a villain.  However, when he disappears it's revealed that the only person he trusts to figure out what happened and find him, is his son. He proves he's very aware of Tom's accomplishments and proud to have him as his son by entrusting him with his life. His pushing of Tom is his way of showing he believes that he can succeed and that he wants the best for his son.

6 Lorraine Swift

The matriarch of the Swift family and mother to Tom and Lino, Lorraine Swift is her own woman and proves to be the strength within her family. After losing her husband, she must be strong not only for the sake of her children but also to protect her and Barton’s company from lurking vultures.

Lorraine is a mother first and wants what's best for her two sons, especially Tom. With her husband gone, she's hopeful that Tom will step into the role of CEO and determined to make sure he lives up to his name. Her determination can sometimes come off as stifling but her love and care for her family is something that offsets this notion.

5 Lino Swift

The youngest adopted brother of Tom, Lino Swift is a genius just like his older brother. He looks up to his older brother, however, he has a story and life of his own. Lino is a genius with computers and a beast in the sport of fencing.

Even with all his successes and accomplishments, Lino is still fighting with the weight that his last name holds and how this affects everything that he does. He chooses to remain respectable even when those around him think he's succeeding because of nepotism. Although he admires his father and brother, Lino holds a need to know where he comes from and his biological parents.

4 Isaac Vega

Mysterious yet super protective of those he cares for, Isaac Vega is the bodyguard of Tom Swift. Although he's tasked with making sure that Tom is safe, Isaac is more like family to the Swift family, with many of them confiding in him about their problems.

Isaac’s unyielding loyalty and devotion to Tom and the Swift family are amazing to see. His willingness to risk his life for the sake of getting the information that Tom needs to rescue his father is proof of this. Even with his loyalty and his calm disposition, Isaac isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to protect those he loves and he's willing to do so when he feels that Rowan isn't to be trusted.

3 Barclay

The virtual AI sidekick that any genius would want, Barclay is the best (virtual) friend of Tom Swift. He's the voice of reason and support when it comes to Tom’s scientific research and adventures.

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Although Barclay is artificial intelligence, he's loyal to Tom and Tom only. He knows Tom like no one else and often helps him out in his complicated dating life that often involves some funny commentary. Barclay doesn't just assist Tom and is considered a part of the family.

2 Zenzi Fullington

A friend that's not afraid of being honest, Zenzi Fullington is the best friend of Tom Swift and the Goddaughter of Barton and Lorraine Swift. She's a central part of the company and Tom’s journey, however, she has her own story as well.

Her willful personality doesn't hide her insecurities when it comes to romance and this leads to her making terrible choices in men. She's optimistic and willing to see the best in people even when they show her the most awful parts of themselves. She has Tom’s back no matter what, even when they have some of the biggest fights and disagreements between friends and always makes it her mission to be there for the ones she loves.

1 Tom Swift

The main character of the series and unapologetically himself, Tom Swift is the oldest son of the billionaire Swift family and a tech genius like his father and grandfather before him. With his father's unexpected disappearance and presumed death, Tom must step up as the head of the family.

Tom’s sarcasm and ego don't negate the fact that he's always in search of his father's approval and love. Even though the relationship between the two is fraught with tension, Tom does everything in his power to locate his father when it’s revealed that he's alive. Tom’s vulnerability and search for acceptance reveal a side to him that's very relatable.

NEXT: 10 Best New TV Shows Of 2022, According To Ranker


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